Monday, October 31, 2011

Fall Room Party 2011

We had a great time with our Fall Room Party on Friday, October 28.  A big thank you to Mrs. Gress, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Sigler for all your time and help!  We appreciate you!
Getting ready for the fun!

                    Hat day and our Fall Festivities fell on the same day!

                                 Enjoying our time together!

                                              More fun!

                          Gracie enjoying the cookie she decorated!

             Sierra looks pretty fancy in her hat she choose for the day! 

Spencer is not in my homeroom, but is a Science student of mine, and I had to showcase his wig for funny hat/wig day!  I thought Spencer made quite the statement!  Thank you all for the fun! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Another Mystery Reader!

Well, we were stumped again!!!  Our Mystery Reader was someone who we never expected to come visit us!  My daughter, Ellie, came and shared her favorite book with us, and we enjoyed our time with her!  She had the day off school today, so it worked out great for her to come and surprise us all!  Thanks, Ellie for the mystery!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mystery Reader #4

Thank you, Kaden, for sharing your mom with us as our Mystery Reader on Friday, October 6!  Mrs. Campbell, you were a mystery to our class, and we thank you for the time you took out of your own classroom to be with us in our classroom!  We loved your time, and welcome you back again soon!

Mystery Reader #3

Thank you, Robert, for sharing your mom with us as our Mystery Reader guest!  We enjoyed your story, Mrs. Miller, and thank you for taking time out of your day to mystery read to us!!!!